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#30DayHusband Fast - Week 4 Love - Day 26

Writer: Louise A-HayfordLouise A-Hayford

Today we are focusing on: Sex/Sexual Intimacy

Take time to consider the above throughout the day in relation to your future Husband, and yourself.

Prayer Points:

  • Dear Lord I pray that my Husband won’t be shy when it comes to discussing sex/sexual intimacy.

  • I pray that he is able to share his concerns, desires, thoughts and feelings on sex with me, so we can have honest and open discussions without fear/shame/guilt – whilst being mindful of our boundaries.

  • I pray that if he does struggle with this topic, for whatever reason, you are able to help him overcome this struggle, and that if necessary I will be able to help him too/exercise patience.

  • I pray that if he has felt fear/shame/guilt in the past when it comes to sex, that the necessary healing is already taking place, so we can have a healthy marriage which includes sex.

  • I pray that when the times comes he and myself are patient with each other, taking into consideration our boundaries.

Reminder: For suggested devotionals and bible chapters for this week feel free to check out the Week Four overview here.

Have a faithfully positive day!


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