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#30DayHusbandFast - Week 1 - Money

Writer: Louise A-HayfordLouise A-Hayford

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome and you guessed it Welcome!

It's Week One of the #30DayHusbandFast, and I hope you are as excited as I am to start this. If not, I pray by the end of the week that will have changed.

If you haven't already I strongly suggest checking out, the #30DayHusbandFast intro blog here which gives intro, and also the FAQ's which breaks down certain aspects, questions of the Fast which will help making this post easier to digest.

So as mentioned in the FAQ's, there are weekly 'themes' to help guide us in things to pray about when it comes to our future Husbands. These themes aren't set in stone, so if you don't want to do the theme, guess what, you don't have to lol! Do another theme, scrap the theme, it's really up to you. However, you may want to continue reading this piece, to get some ideas and inspiration. At the end of the day, how you go about this fast is between yourself and the Lord, just make it count, in the very best spiritually possible way you can.

Week One – Money

Money is unfortunately a great source of strife in relationships, and unfortunately can attribute to divorce, in the most extreme cases. Literally type in 'money and divorce statistics uk' and you'll find articles over the years on the topic, like such in the Independent. So praying about your own personal finance is a must, but also the finances of your future Husband. Financial decisions have huge personal, physical, spiritual and even generational ramifications, there are wills for a reason. Marriage is a partnership, where decisions have to be made – together. Being married has a different financial requirement to being single, if you want a family, financially that has different requirements to a married couple that don't want children. Things to ponder isn't it?...

The daily guidelines below aren’t exhaustive, but just a general guideline on topics that fall under the umbrella of the money. But by all means, take out, add in, swap around what you feel like when it comes to this topic. You may want to spend more than 1 day on a subject – go right ahead. You may just want to spend the week focusing on the theme of money but not particular aspects - go right on ahead. The reality is, this is a huge topic, so please feel free to focus on the theme in whatever way works for you.

Remember, the focus is for us as women to be encouraged in faith when it comes to the topic of marriage and our future Husband. We are trying to grow in awareness of ourselves spiritually, to focus with intent when it comes to our future Husband and primarily, develop a healthier prayer life and fellowship with God, whilst we’re single.

Suggested Youversion Bible Plans / Bible Chapters

Before the Cross: Money Series – looks at money management from a biblical point of view talking about budgeting, savings, offerings, investments/retirement etc. Good for anyone who wants to apply biblical understanding to common financial principles.

The Seven Money Types – looks at biblical male characters and their ‘money type’ style which is interesting and may encourage you to pray for particular type of individual when thinking of your Husband.

6 Days with Jesus: Money And Possessions – this devotional features some 90s style video clips from a Jesus film (got to love those old school over the top Bible films), then good leading questions for you to think about.

Your Money Counts – Hal White – 4 day devotional and looks at earning, saving, spending, giving etc and has a section on marriage and finance.

Money Scriptures Every Christian Should Know – 4 day devotional - looking at biblical essentials to handling our money and financial lives.

In Addition to the Devotionals or Alternatively if you'd rather not do the devotionals here are some Suggested Bible Chapters/Verses to read over the 7 Days

  • Proverbs 21

  • Ecclesiastes 5 & 6

  • Matthew 6: 24-34

I also found this link on Money Crashers extremely helpful, as it talks about Financial Tips and has a good range of Bible verses to support.

Check out Day One here!


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